Diplomas & Credits
Diplomas & Credits In Malaga
All students participating in one of the Spanish language and culture courses arranged by Malaga University and who participate in at least 80% will receive at least a Certificate of Attendance. The Certificate of Attendance will state what Spanish language course you have taken and at what level, but without any final note.
Apart from the certificate of attendance it is possible to get one of the following certificates and diplomas depending on the Spanish language course taken.
Certificate of Course – This certificate is similar to the Certificate of Attendance but to get this students have to participate in at least 80% of all classes and pass the final Spanish exam. This certificate will also state your final note and number of hours of class.
Sufficiency in Spanish Language – to get this certificate students must take a Spanish language course for at least one month and then pass the exam of Sufficiency set by Malaga University. This certificate will state your note on the exam and define the Spanish level reached.
If you need credits for your Spanish studies at Malaga University you will first of all have to contact the study abroad office at your university for full information about how to obtain credits from your studies abroad.
The different certificates given by Malaga University which states the final mark and the number and type of courses taken will normally be enough to get credits for your studies at Malaga University.
Furthermore Malaga University offers official ECTS credits (the official European Credit Transfer System) where for every 10 hours of Spanish studies you will get one ECTS credit. Please check with your university before booking your program that they accept ECTS especially if you are from outside Europe where the ECTS is less recognised.